Been In A Car Accident? Two Signs That You Need An Attorney

If you've recently been involved in a car accident, you are probably dealing with a number of different issues. You may be trying to recover from your injuries, juggle work and family responsibilities, and deal with an insurance company attempting to settle with you. However, one very important matter that you need to consider is whether or not you should have an attorney. Use this information to help you determine if it would be in your best interest to get a car accident lawyer on your side right away. [Read More]

If You Work In Healthcare, Can You Sue Your Management Company For Inadequate Training?

Can a nurse or other healthcare professional sue outside of the worker's comp process for negligent training procedures? Depending on the circumstances, yes. The first person to contract the Ebola virus in the U.S., a nurse, is suing the parent company of the hospital where she worked and contracted the disease for (among other things) negligence. If you work in the healthcare industry, this case could eventually affect you. Employers have a duty to provide a safe working environment. [Read More]

Tired of Low-Speed Claims after High-Speed Military Service?

Dealing with the Veterans Affairs (VA) claim system may seem like the slowest crawl through the most boring deployment when compared to military service. Not only are you out of your normal job, but you're put in a position where you need to wait on the VA's multiple processes before you even get a "maybe" regarding your compensation. Instead of twiddling your thumbs, suffering from a yet-to-be-approved disability, or struggling to make income arrangements while you wait on a response, consider a few ways to get basic medical assistance and legal assistance for a faster claim. [Read More]

Struggling Against VA Disability Claim Denial? Fight With More Information

The Veterans Affairs (VA) disability system exists to help veterans in need, but the assistance sometimes falls short. It's important to filter out fraudulent claims and to get the right amount of care to the right people, but there are times where legitimately suffering veterans are denied. The problem could be a lack of paperwork or missing evidence, or your claim may have hit a series of unlucky events resulting in an error on the VA's side. [Read More]