Common Injuries Resulting From A Commercial Truck Accident

A truck accident can cause serious injuries to all parts of your body but there are some areas of the body that are more vulnerable to injuries than others. There are several injuries in particular that you and your truck accident attorney will have an easy time connecting to your accident.  The Most Common Areas of the Body Injured by Truck Accidents Neck injuries are common in all types of car accidents because the force of the impact causes whiplash. [Read More]

Accidents With Self-Driving Vehicles: What You Need To Know

The idea of a "driverless car" seemed far-fetched not too long ago. With recent leaps in automation technology, companies like Google and Uber have shown just how far the self-driving car has come and how it's poised to someday make human drivers obsolete. Even today's automobiles offer bits and pieces of this new tech, from systems that provide automatic braking to radar-guided cruise control and lane drift correction. With new technology comes new questions, including how self-driving cars will impact personal injury claims. [Read More]

Three Reasons Why There Is A Short Statute Of Limitations On Auto Accident Lawsuits

If you have been in an auto accident, you should know that you only have a short time to sue. Even if you do not feel anything out of place from the accident now, you might feel something a few days from now, or five years from now, but by then it would be too late to sue. Here are some reasons why your auto accident attorney tells you that you have to make your move now, and why there is such a short statute of limitations on accident lawsuits. [Read More]

Common Mistakes Made When It Comes To Wrongful Death Claims And How You Can Avoid Those Mistakes

Having a loved one pass away can be a sad and stressful time in your life. But when that loved one dies needlessly, your level of stress, anger, and outrage may be heightened. Unfortunately, many people make mistakes that can harm a wrongful death claim during this initial stage due to the shock and grief they may be experiencing. Here are three common mistakes that are made that can have a negative impact on a future wrongful death claim and how you can avoid making these mistakes. [Read More]