Determining Responsibility In A Car Vs. Pedestrian Accident

Few things are more frightening as a pedestrian than being hit by a car. If you have been involved in an accident, chances are you are left with injuries. You will need to make a claim in order to ensure your medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering is properly compensated for. You may automatically assume the driver is at fault, but this isn't always the case. The following guide can help you better understand your options. [Read More]

Three Things You Need to Know About Filing a Personal-Injury Lawsuit for a Truck Accident

Accidents happen all of the time. Unfortunately, many people have experienced a great deal of pain or a tragic loss because of an auto accident. If you have been a victim in an truck accident or auto accident, you might consider hiring an attorney to help you get restitution for your pain and suffering. Here are some things that you need to know about filing a personal injury suit for a truck accident. [Read More]

Injured While Pregnant: Car Accidents And Personal Injuries

Being pregnant can evoke strong feelings of protectiveness and the desire to stay as healthy as possible, but a car accident can place those motivations in jeopardy. Car accidents are never good, but even relatively minor accidents can cause a great deal of harm to both you and your unborn child. The sad truth is that auto insurance compensation alone is seldom sufficient to cover the host of potential problems caused by another's careless driving. [Read More]

The Tolerated Trespasser: Why Ignoring A Trespassing Problem Can Be A Mistake

Generally speaking, when a grown adult trespasses onto your property and gets injured, you aren't liable for any damages. However, there are exceptions to that ruleā€”and barring the gates and locking the doors isn't quite enough to keep you off the legal hook. This is what you should know. You're expected to have concern for others on your property. When you own property, you're expected to show a certain responsibility, known as a duty of care, toward people who come onto the property through invitation or license. [Read More]