Workers Compensation & Personal Injury Options Can Be Situational

Being injured on the job can be a complex matter, with legal issues and financial confusion being even more challenging than usual because of your injuries. You may be bombarded with requests to sign certain documents, which could conflict with your own needs when it comes to getting the compensation you deserve. Before signing anything, think carefully about your situation, what you should be entitled to, and how legal defense could help. [Read More]

The Truths Behind Common Child Support Myths

Child support is often one of the most litigious aspects of any divorce, often going on long after the split is final. When determining the amount of child support to be paid, the courts look into issues such as the needs of the child, the ability of the non-custodial parent to support him or herself, and the earnings of both parents. In setting the amount of child support, the court tries its best to maintain the standard of living the children would have had if the parents remained together. [Read More]

2 Reasons To Hire A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

A motorcycle accident attorney is one of the most important people you can contact if you have been struck while riding your motorcycle, mostly because he or she will be able to assist you in a number of ways. This type of attorney will be able to help you because they are often going to be motorcycle riders and will investigate the accident. Motorcycle Riders One of the biggest benefits to hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer to help with your case is that many lawyers that specialize in motorcycle accidents are riders as well. [Read More]

When May Your Personal Injury Settlement Be Subject To A Lien?

If you've been injured in an accident and are currently embroiled in a lawsuit against the person at fault (or his or her insurance provider), talks may be turning to settlement. Settling a case before trial can provide many advantages to both parties and may help you receive more funds than you would net after paying for an expensive trial. However, if you fail to negotiate this settlement properly, you could find your funds subject to seizure or garnishment by your creditors before you ever see a check for your injuries. [Read More]