Five Things You Should Know About Suing The Police

Almost every day the news has another story about clashes between police officers and civilians -- often with allegations of police misconduct, illegal activity, and brutality. More people than ever are concerned about their civil rights - especially when it seems like people are being arrested or injured by the police for small things like filming police during an arrest.  If you've been a victim of police misconduct, here are five things that you need to know: [Read More]

How Dangerous Is That Hotel Hot Tub?

Hot tubs are wonderful inventions and a lot of people enjoy them, especially while on vacation. However, they can also be highly dangerous—and even deadly. This is what you should know. Hot Tubs Have Hidden Dangers. Out of the more than 6,000 hot tub injuries every year, the majority of injuries are caused by slips and falls. The rest of the injuries vary considerably, including: a lack of barriers to prevent young children from getting into the tubs an absence of lifeguards or safety guards defective pool equipment overcrowding exposed screws underwater slippery or slimy surfaces from improper cleaning An additional concern is that many hot tubs lack safety grates on their vacuum drains and/or have no safety release mechanisms to stop the suction action of the drains if someone gets caught on one. [Read More]

Negligence Issues In Truck Accidents: Key Considerations

If you have been in an accident involving a truck and seek compensation for your damages, it's crucial to understand the legal concept of negligence. Whether or not a party was negligent typically plays an important role in truck accident cases. Here is a closer look at some of the key considerations surrounding this aspect of personal injury law. Contributory One important legal doctrine regarding this area of the law is called contributory negligence. [Read More]

Preserving Evidence For Your Personal Injury Claim

If you have been involved in a car accident and injured through no fault of your own, you may want to take steps as soon as possible to preserve evidence for your personal injury case. While you hope that the at-fault driver's insurance company will offer you a fair settlement, you can increase your chances of getting that fair settlement by acting now to preserve potentially valuable evidence. Read on for information on how to gather and preserve evidence of your vehicle accident. [Read More]